Occasionally we may want to make an update to a file or items metadata without incrementing a version. A good example of this is with controlled document libraries. File versions need to be incremented only when the document itself changes, not when the metadata changes.
Reminder dates, such as review date and next review date may need to be stored against the files, but updating these dates should not increment the actual version.
This can be achieved using the C# and the CSOM.
First create a List of ListItemFormUpdateValue . Then update the file using item.ValidateUpdateListItem(updates, true, string.Empty, true, true);
The following snippet will not increment the documents version:
var updates = new List<ListItemFormUpdateValue>() {
new ListItemFormUpdateValue() { FieldName = "Expiry_x0020_Email_x0020_In_x0020_Week_x0020_Sent", FieldValue = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff'Z'") }
item.ValidateUpdateListItem(updates, true, string.Empty, true, true);