SharePoint Online – App Only Calls returning “System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized”

Recently I had an issue with a SharePoint Remote Event Receiver that was returning a 404 error. I had given correct permission in the appmanifest.xml. The clientcontext was being created with the following code: After digging around I discovered that newer SharePoint Online sites have app only permissions disabled. To enable it I ran the […]

New SharePoint 2016 Features: Microsoft Flow App, PowerApps, and Updated Framework

Microsoft clearly prioritized development in its release of SharePoint 2016, and the effects are obvious. Both front and back-end developers have seen much TLC from Microsoft, as they continue to encourage enhanced customization along with basic user customization. So, how can you use this new version of SharePoint to complement and boost your business? Here […]

Upsert function for Rest SharePoint API

Here is a simple wrapper function I created for use with the SharePoint Rest API. If an Id is entered the function will update a record, otherwise it will insert a new record. Usage: [SyntaxHLNumbers] //Create ListItem Object var customers = {}; //Set List Name customers._listName = “Customers”; //Add columns to insert customers.Name = “Michael […]

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