Hiding columns based on permission levels
Often I will use column in a SharePoint list as a button. This is accomplished by using column formatting to transform the column into a button. Sometimes we only want certain users to see the button. For example, I have created a publish / share button on a SharePoint list – it makes no sense […]
smtp.office365.com doesn’t work! how to use O365 SMTP server
Attempting to use O365 SMTP server can be frustrating. You will find the following settings everywhere on the internet: Server Address: smtp.office365.com Username: Your Office 365 Address (e.g. example@yourdomain.com) Password: Your Office 365 Password Port Number: 587 (With TLS) Authentication: Required Sending Limits: 10,000 Emails a day What you wont find, is that by default O365 disables SMTP servers and needs to […]
Creating an Unlicensed Microsoft 365 User
Microsoft Office 365 allows us to create unlicensed users. While an unlicensed user will not have a email address, they are able to access certain office 365 applications, such as SharePoint or the Office 365 Administration page. To create an unlicensed user, follow the steps below: Browse to https://admin.microsoft.com Click on Users – Active Users […]
SharePoint Online – App Only Calls returning “System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized”
Recently I had an issue with a SharePoint Remote Event Receiver that was returning a 404 error. I had given correct permission in the appmanifest.xml. The clientcontext was being created with the following code: After digging around I discovered that newer SharePoint Online sites have app only permissions disabled. To enable it I ran the […]
Getting all events in a Calendar using Microsoft Graph and C#
I couldn’t find any examples online on how to get all events in a calendar programmatically using Microsoft Graph and C#. The only example I could find would return 10 items, being the page limit. In order to save others time, I decided to post the way I managed to do it, using Skip. This […]
Assigning task to related task
Assigning task to related task In my youtubo video, I demoed how you can create a Ticking and Tasking System using just SharePoint and PowerAutomate. You can view it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hS6KzlcRfU0 I was asked how you could prevent a ticket being created if it was related to an already open ticket (Ie a reply or […]
Searching the SharePoint Recycling Bin
Searching the SharePoint Recycling Bin While the SharePoint recycling bin is useful when it contains only a few items, it becomes downright unusable when it contains thousands of items. The SharePoint recycling bin is shipped without a search function. Finding a single file in a SharePoint recycling bin of thousand of items is like searching […]
Checking if string is empty or null in MS Flow / Power automate
Below is a simple way to check if a string is null or empty in MS flow. It works by first testing if the string is null, and then checking if the string has 0 characters. Steps: Add a condition step Change the condition to OR Add the string variable, and first test to see […]
Updating Filename in MS Flow (Power automate)
Updating Filename in MS Flow (Power automate) This is a walk through on how to update a filename while keeping the same file extension in MS Flow. In this example we are going to assume the filename is saved in a Variable called “Full File Name”. The walkthrough will name a file to <filename>_1.<extension> We […]
SharePoint Online Vs SharePoint On-Premises
SharePoint Online Vs SharePoint On-Premises SharePoint online is a multitenant offering by Microsoft designed to meet the needs of most companies document management requirements. Technical documentation references huge capacity capabilities well beyond the scope of most SharePoint sites however real-world practical use does expose additional limitations. Performance The most prominent disadvantage of SharePoint online is form load times, […]