When trying to create a subsite in SharePoint, you might run into the following error message:

“Problem applying web template
The web template requires that certain features be installed, activated, and licensed. The following problems are blocking application of the template:
Feature SharePointHomeSettings feature
Feature scope: Site Collection
Feature ID: 48a2a858-00c6-43bd-b574-32d1b6a790ff
Problem: Not Activated.”

This error prevents the subsite from being created because a required feature—SharePointHomeSettings—is not enabled at the site collection level. Normally, users would attempt to enable this feature through SharePoint’s built-in GUI (under Site Collection Features), but in this case, the SharePointHomeSettings feature is not visible in the interface.

How to Resolve This Issue

There are a couple of ways to fix this problem:

  1. Using PowerShell – This method requires administrative access and some PowerShell knowledge to manually activate the feature.
  2. Using ShareMaster.io’s Free “Explore Master” Feature – A much simpler approach that requires no coding or PowerShell.

Activating the SharePointHomeSettings Feature Using ShareMaster

With ShareMaster’s Explore Master feature, enabling hidden SharePoint features is quick and easy. Here’s how:

  1. Download ShareMaster – Get a free trial from ShareMaster.io.
  2. Launch ShareMaster and log in to your SharePoint site.
  3. Click on “Explore Master” to access advanced SharePoint settings.
  4. Navigate to “Site Settings” and locate the feature activation input.
  5. Enter the feature ID:CopyEdit48a2a858-00c6-43bd-b574-32d1b6a790ff
  6. Click Enable to activate the feature.

Once enabled, you should be able to apply the web template and successfully create your subsite without any issues.

Why Choose ShareMaster?

  • No PowerShell Required – Activate hidden SharePoint features with just a few clicks.
  • Free to Use – The Explore Master feature is available in the free trial version of ShareMaster.
  • Time-Saving – Avoid the complexity of manually running PowerShell commands.

If you’re facing this issue, give ShareMaster.io a try and unlock hidden SharePoint features with ease!